Power pole Installation
October 30 2024A new power pole is being installed near #7/8 Itaska Beach. A couple of trees will be taken down approximately the first week of November, with the power pole and line to be installed by the end of November. While the crews are working, there will still be a lane open…
ATCO Gas Franchise Agreement
October 30 2024The Alberta Utilities Commission expects to receive an application from ATCO Gas and Pipelines Ltd. to approve the existing current and valid natural gas distribution franchise agreement with the Summer Village of Itaska Beach. This application for approval is required…

Road Work
October 16 2024Starting next week, about October 23rd, 2024 road work will begin to fix drainage issues near #76 and #83 Beach Avenue....

Keys Found
August 20 2024A set of keys were found in the lock at the Itaska Boat Launch. If you think they are yours, contact Mayor Csilla Fee 780-982-6749 to have them returned....

Boulevard Naturalization - Project Enhancement
August 6 2024There's still a little bit left on the Boulevard Naturalization Project. To finish the project, we are adding: Natures Turf to bridge the gap between natural edge and new plant areas Shrubs to fill in some larger gaps in plantings 1 spruce (still confirming that utilities…

Blue Green Algae Health Advisory
July 31 2024Alberta Health Services has issued the following advisory: Cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) has been identified in the waters of Pigeon Lake. Residents living near the shores of this lake, as well as visitors to this lake, are advised to take the following precautions:…

Drop-In Pickle Ball
July 17 2024There will be drop-in pickleball on Sunday's at 10:00 a.m. Hope to see you there!...

Tennis Courts Re-Open
July 9 2024Plexipave surfacing is done, and the games can begin! The surfacing includes tennis court lines, as well as the option of playing pickleball with the portable nets. The basketball court also received surfacing, and we have “four square” lines installed as well…

Invasive Zebra and Quagga Mussels
July 4 2024Pigeon Lake monitors for two types of invasive mussels; Zebra and Quagga mussels. Both of these mussel species are considered invasive not only to our lake but to all of Canada. The Zebra mussels have a striped zigzag pattern on their shell generally varying in size…

Resurfacing Tennis and Basketball Courts
June 25 2024The plexipave surfacing is happening this week! Please note that the tennis and basketball courts will be closed until this work is completed, which may not be until approximately July 2....

Hot off the Press!
June 15 2024The 2024 Newsletter is available. Click on this link to take a look....
Certification of Mailing of Tax Notices
June 14 2024Certification of Mailing of Tax Notices This is notification under Section 336 (1) of the Municipal Government Act that Combined Tax Notices & Property Assessments were mailed to all property owners in the Summer Village of Itaska Beach on June 14, 2024. Please note:…

Road Ban Lifted
June 4 2024The 50% road ban has been lifted. We have now returned to our regular axle weight of 75 percent....

Cute But Destructive
May 23 2024The racoons are on the move, and looking for a place to eat and have their babies. If you wish to keep them away from your property, please take down your bird feeders as they love to eat the seeds. Feed your pets indoors because they also love pet food. And make…

Fertilizers and Herbicides
May 23 2024The grass is greening up nicely with the recent rain, but it's important to remember our bylaw prohibiting the use of fertilizers and herbicides. The bylaw was passed to help protect the lake from chemicals. You can take a look at the bylaw with this link. ...

Swimming and Sailing Lessons
May 22 2024Here's a great opportunity for the kids to learn more about sailing and swimming. Check out the poster for more details....

Spring Leaf Pick Up
May 17 2024Bagged leaves will be picked up on Tuesday May 21st, 2024. Place the bags in the same location you place your garbage bins. Bags will be picked up at 7 am....

Planned Power Outage
May 10 2024There will be a planned power outage taking place in Itaska Beach on May 15, 2024 from 9am - 11am, impacting 76 customers. Those affected will be notified by callout. Fortis is completing some line maintenance in the area and needs to de-energize the line to complete…
Fire Ban Removed
May 7 2024The Fire Ban has been lifted, effective May 7, 2024 in the Summer Village of Itaska Beach. Continue to follow fire smart procedures whenever having a fire. For further information please contact the Summer Village at 780-312-0928...

Paving Project on Highway 616
April 25 2024A paving project will begin soon which may affect your travel in the area. Details have been provided on the project can be found on the link below. Highway 616 Construction...